2012. augusztus 30., csütörtök


from the ashes , not so much as a phoenix , but rather like a Peter Hale (yes,Teen Wolf reference)
And for what ? No fucking clue.
Maybe like Peter,seeking a chance,a life,friends,somwhere to belong,to live for.( At least I profoundly hope that that's his endgame, and not fucking up someone's life-mind-anything)
To get strong,to be okay again.As much as I can.
So yeah,I'm back.
Like it or not.

And yeah ,by the way, I RP Peter on Tumblr for my own amusement.
And as a 'challange' (or rather homework) to write something regularly.

And I cant stop listening to this song for 2 days now.
 I got it from a Pydia fanmix-and that should tell enough about my level of obsession for now.

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